Madden 2008 Chooses Cover Boy, Victim

Bad news for you Titans fans. Vince “He just wins” Young will grace the Madden 2008 cover as well as appear in commercials promoting the game during the telecast of the upcoming NFL Draft.
Good luck rarely finds the cover boy, and many hold the theory that the cover is cursed. All players to find themselves on the cover of Madden have experienced some combination of injury or ineffectiveness the following season, and sometime carrying over for the rest of their career.
This is bad news for a young team that was starting to make waves at the end of this past season. The Titans have already lost budding star corner Pacman Jones for a season long suspension due to off field issues. The team also lost two of their top running backs, Travis Henry and Chris Brown, to free agency. This once hot team could find themselves in a serious regression next season.
Before last season ever started, I was able to use the curse to predict Shaun Alexander’s injury and ineffectiveness. The Madden Cover Curse never fails.